Monumen serangan umum 1 Maret

Selasa, 10 November 2009 di 04.46

This monument is a complex with Vredeburg Castle. This monument was built to commemorate the Indonesian military attacks against the Netherlands on March 1, 1949. The attack was carried out to prove to the world that Indonesia still has the strength to fight the Dutch. When it attacks the Indonesian National Army (TNI) was led by Lieutenant Colonel Suharto, commander of the 10th Brigade, Third Military district, which of course after obtaining approval from the Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX as Head of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX considered at that time Indonesia had to prove to the outside world that although the leaders of Indonesia when it was captured by the Dutch, Indonesia does not mean the government has been paralyzed. But on the other hand there is the Indonesian government and TNI is still strong so it can support the struggle of Indonesia in the UN Security Council session held in March 1949. Thus there are several things to be achieved with the existence of this attack is in addition to military purposes, there is also a political purpose and objective psychological.
In addition to Lt. Col. Soeharto, who attacked from the west side Maliobor extent, the attacks conducted by the Ventje Sumual sekotr also attacked from the west, Major Sardjono attacked from the east, Major Kusno from the north, and from the city itself an attack led by Lieutenant Amir Murtono and Lieutenant Masduki.
The attack was carried out was preceded by military outposts attacked the Dutch built a scattered along the main route linking the cities that have occupied the Netherlands as a result of military attacks and sabotage. To attack the Dutch outposts that the TNI did guerrilla strategy that proved capable of making the Dutch army against the military difficulties. Peak attack itself was held on March 1, 1949 at 06.00. Yogyakarta city was occupied by the military successfully for 6 hours until 12:00 o'clock, in accordance with what had been planned earlier. With the success of this attack (attack General March 1) the increasing military morale and propaganda could break the Dutch made the claim that the Republic of Indonesia and the TNI have been paralyzed.

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